Hanger Crystal by Oki Fukunaga
April 1-10
My pieces are made out of hangers, so I simply titled this project “Hanger Crystal”. Tying hangers together in geometric shapes gives new value to common household objects. While working on these projects, I realized; in cooperating with others, I can accomplish something I can not do on my own. Putting ego aside toward a shared goal offers greater meaning. My sculptures are us and I am just a hanger in each work of art.
Born in Japan, Fukunaga earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Osaka University of the Arts in Osaka Japan. He then traveled to the U.S. and participated an apprenticeship program at the Johnson Atelier. He went back to Japan and had shows and participated art projects. He came back to U.S. in 2011. He has been working at a stone sculpture studio and making his own art works.